Friday 24 November 2017

New Zealand Online Trading Sider

Dommer: Gnist fortjener forsinkelse for mulig SkyVoda-fusjon Helse: Junior-leger nå Deal med DHBs Gordon Campbell: Gordon Campbell på bruk av Kaupapa Maori som et kappe Auckland transportsak: fengsel for korrupsjon og bestikkelse Auckland Transport Jitterati: Lav-A-Try, Lav - A-Tory Port Hills Fire: Oppdater 9:30 - Flere bedre medier: Folkkommisjonen på offentlige kringkastingstjenester lanserer Wellington. Scope: Forteller dem Wellingtons Transport trenger Scoop gjennomgang av bøker: The Typewriter Factory 222: Christchurch Quake Memorial å bli avduket En by , en region, en nasjon og et internasjonalt samfunn som påvirkes av jordskjelvene i Canterbury, kommer sammen i morgen for å markere sjette årsdagen for den dødelige jordskjelvet og dedikere Oi Manawa Canterbury Earthquake National Memorial. Canterbury Earthquake National Memorial dedikasjon og samfunnsminnesmerke starter klokken 12.00 i morgen 22. februar på minnesstedet på tkaroAvon-elven, i området grenser til Montreal Street Bridge, Durham Street og Cambridge og Oxford Terraces. Flere November Quakes: Hvis den involverte selvinteressen ikke var så åpenbar, ville electorate-avtalen mellom Maori-partiet og Hone Harawira være en slags gripende. Det er litt som å se de resterende medlemmene av GunsnRoses eller Eagles tilbake på veien som reiser til nostalgikretsen, og spiller alle de gamle treffene av Maori-enhet og kjøpapa Maori-politikk. Flere New Zealands første sosialbond vil hjelpe rundt 1700 mennesker med psykisk sykdom til jobb, sier finansminister Steven Joyce og sosial investeringsminister Amy Adams. Flere Internett-entreprenør Kim Dotcom og hans tre medklagede er kvalifiserte til utlevering til USA, regjerte New Zealands High Court. Rettferdighet Murray Gilbert opprettholdt en domstoleavgjørelse om at det var grunnlag for Dotcom, Mathias Ortmann, Bram van der Kolk og Finn Batato å bli utlevert. Mer tidligere: Et midlertidig grep om deportasjoner av ni indianere er et skritt i riktig retning, men regjeringen trenger snarest å iverksette beskyttelsesforanstaltninger for å stoppe ytterligere urettferdigheter mot flere internasjonale studenter, sier grønne partiet. Flere 9 boliger ødela to boliger med delvis skade. Skade inkluderer ting som sprakk vinduer, varme skader. 3 eiendommer med skade på andre eksterne strukturer, for eksempel skur eller uthus. Flere to menn som ble funnet skyldig i korrupsjon og bestikkelse i et SFO-forsøk, er dømt i Auckland High Court i dag. Paret er skyldig i korrupsjon og bestikkelser som gjelder for mer enn 1 million bestikkelser som skjedde mellom 2005 og 2013 på Rodney District Council og Auckland Transport. Mer Personvernkommisjonæren har censurert Westpac Banking Corp for å slippe ut uten rettsordre mer enn ti måneder med banktjenester som tilhører den politiske aktivisten og journalisten Nicky Hager under en politietundersøkelse om utlekket informasjon publisert i Hagers 2014-valgboken Dirty Politics. Mer Den New Zealand-regjeringen hadde et lite overskudd i første halvår av regnskapsåret, da veksten i innenlands forbruk løftet vare - og tjenesteskatttaket, mens usikkerhet over jordskjelvet kostnader i Kaikoura innebar at utgiftene var mindre enn forventet. Flere arbeidere på Cadbury i Dunedin er på vei etter at de har lært denne morgenen at den ikoniske Cadbury-fabrikken skal lukkes, med tap av nesten 400 jobber. Selskapet hadde rapportert at det var bra, og dette har kommet ut av det blå, sier Chas. Mer Iran og Trump-administrasjonen er på et kollisjonskurs over Irans testing av ballistiske missiler, som Iran opprettholder, er en gyldig del av den innenlandske forsvarsplanleggingen. USA, via Trumps nasjonale sikkerhetsrådgiver Michael Flynn, har satt Iran på varsel og pålagt nye sanksjoner. Uendunted, Iran har fortsatt å teste flere missiler. Mer Etter katastrofen i Trumps-valget, spurte ganske få amerikanske baserte venner meg om å flytte til Australia. Jeg hadde, som de sier, gode nyheter og dårlige nyheter. Mer Allerede har Det Hvite Hus gjort det klart at media er den nye fienden at de nye presidentens tilhørere vil bli oppfordret til å forene seg. Den fantastiske setningen alternative fakta oppfattet av Trump spinmeister Kellyanne Conway fanger mediestrategien i et nøtteskall. Mer En kyllende ny rapport fra Amnesty International avslører de syriske regjeringens beregnede kampanje for utenretslige henrettelser av massedeklinger på Saydnaya fengsel. Mellom 2011 og 2015, hver uke og ofte to ganger i uken, grupper på opptil 50 personer. Flere president Obama autoriserte en rekke tiltak som svar på de russiske regjeringene aggressive trakassering av amerikanske tjenestemenn og nettoperasjoner rettet mot USAs valg i 2016. Mer New Zealand og Senegal klarte å få FNs sikkerhetsråd til å passere oppløsning 2334 som sa israels bosetninger i palestinsk territorium krenker folkeretten og undergraver en tostatsløsning i israels konflikt med palestina. Mer Jeg er veldig stolt av å være både Navajo og American. Som president for Navajo Nation, dedikerte jeg livet mitt for å sikre at, som en Navajo, er historien min - og våre historier - en del av vår kollektive amerikanske historie. I dag vil jeg dele en av disse historiene med deg. Mer De vanskelige neo-ulemper viste absolutt liten interesse i å knytte argumenter, undersøke bevis eller til og med vurdere elementær logikk i etterkant av Berlin-lastebilangrepet nær Gedchtniskirche. Med kroppene friske i morgueen, fortalte tidligere amerikanske ambassadør til De forente nasjoner, John Bolton, tankene til den daglige tysken, og fant tenner som plaget av frykt. Mer Uten mye dekning i det vestlige, har India nettopp vært engasjert de siste ukene i et av verdens største sosioøkonomiske eksperimenter siden Kulturrevolusjonen i Kina. Mer New Zealand liker å tro at vi spilte vår rolle gjennom 1981 Springbok-turen med å bringe apartheidregimet i Sør-Afrika til en slutt. Jacob Zuma behandlet Fidel Castros død i helgen som en anledning til å betale en hjertelig hyllest til tusenvis av cubanske soldater som reiste over hele verden for å påføre det første viktige militære nederlaget på styrken av hvit overlegenhet. Mer jeg ferdig med å lese Dont Dream Its Over ikke lenge etter det kom ut i august i fjor. Jeg begynte selv å skrive en anmeldelse, som tok noe av en beklager folk, men det er allerede over tilnærming. Jeg har vært ganske negativ om journalistikken som den praktiseres i mainstream (eller MSM, eller bedriftsmedier eller liberale medier eller hva som helst terminologi du foretrekker) i en stund (se for eksempel Stop the Press), og jeg tror at den nåværende kapitalistiske mediemodellen er ødeleggende og kan ikke reformeres. Flere Southland shearer Leon Samuels satte i dag en ny World Solo åtte-timers strongwool ewe-shearing etter en tally på 605 i en ull shed nord for Gore. Mer En av de mest innflytelsesrike og berømte samtidskunstnere som jobber i New Zealand, er Dick Frizzell mest kjent for hans bruk av Kitsch Kiwiana-ikoner, som han ofte inkorporerer i tegneserie-lignende malerier og litografier. Ikke fornøyd med å overholde en bestemt stil, han liker å adoptere bevisst utsmykkede stilarter, på en måte som minner om Roy Lichtenstein. Mer Etter sine nylig solgte nordamerikanske og britiske turer, feirer Adam Ant 35-årsdagen for utgivelsen av hans landemerke KINGS OF THE WILD FRONTIER-albumet med en nylig remastered reissue (Sony Legacy) og Australasian tour. Mer Skrive et memoir som appellerer til et bredt leserskap er et vanskelig oppdrag. Som en erfaren kommunikator holder Lloyd Geering leserne interesse i livet gjennom ti kapitler (eller portholes) som gir utsikt over ulike aspekter av livet hans i det 20. århundre New Zealand. Mer Dette er den andre nylige sammenhengende publikasjonen fra Reeve og Stapp, som alle har å gjøre med esoterisk, arcane og uklar ordforråd sesquipedalian. noen og så mye mer dessuten. Før jeg skriver videre, må jeg understreke at boka er et likeverdig partnerskap mellom ord og bilder, og at man ikke kan trives uten den andre. Mer SENESTE HOVEDLINESKruiser til New Zealand Kjent for sin maorikultur, mangfoldig naturlig skjønnhet og suveren gastronomi, er det ikke rart at New Zealand er et populært sted å besøke. Besøk Milford Sounds fjellkjente kyster, beundre Pictonrsquos fantastiske fjorder og stå i frykt før spektakulære aktive vulkaner Uansett hva du vil se eller gjøre, er det ikke sannsynlig at Land av den lange hvite skyen vil skuffe. For å se noen av underverkerne i New Zealand for deg selv, bestill en fantastisk cruiseavtale i dag. Destinasjoner Den fantastiske Nordøya i New Zealand - eller Te-Ika-a-Maui som det også er kjent - er et populært reisemål for besøkende fra hele verden. Med sine stilfulle byer, spektakulære kyster, voluminøse fjellkjeder og unike Maori-kulturer, er det ikke overraskende at så mange besøkende gjør Nordøya til en vanlig havn. Ta en titt på den solrike kysten av Nordøya og hopp ombord på et av disse flotte cruise-tilbudene i dag. New Zealand39s spektakulære South Island tilbyr en dramatisk introduksjon til noen av de mest imponerende naturlandskapene i verden. Et medley av majestetiske snødekte topper og flotte fjorder går sammen med robuste kyster og fredelige regnskoger for å danne en av verdens mest naturskjønne øyer. Legg til det en samling av gjestfrie lokale byer og mange gastronomiske herligheter, og det er lite lurt at Sørøya tiltrekker seg horder av besøkende. Oppdag de naturlige underverkene på Sørøya på et cruise til denne mest dramatiske destinasjonen. Destinasjonsoversikt New Zealand er verdens femte største øy nasjon, og er en del av en skjærgård som ligger ca 1600 kilometer sørøst for Australia. Den består av to store øyer - Nordøya og Sørøya - og noen mindre øyer i Sør-Stillehavet. Et av verdens yngste land takket være sin relativt isolerte posisjon, ble New Zealand først avgjort av polynesere rundt 1300CE, noe som gjør den til en av de siste store landmassene som ble avgjort av mennesker. I 1769, James Cook circumnavigated og kartlagt New Zealandrsquos kysten, til slutt anspore en jevn bølge av europeisk migrasjon. I 1907 ble New Zealand et selvstyrende herskapshus, og i dag er det en uavhengig nasjon med en velutdannet og velbesatt befolkning på over fire millioner innbyggere. Nyt et naturskjønt cruise er en ideell måte å se mesteparten av sin 15.000 kilometer lange kystlinje, og New Zealand39s kompakte landmasse betyr at det bare er en overnattingstur til hver særegen region. Hvem går dit En rekke cruise linjer gir en rekke cruise reiseruter rundt New Zealand. Besøkende kan utforske landet ombord på luksuriøse linjer som Crystal Cruises, Oseania, Orion, Seabourn, Regent Seven Seas, Silver Seas og Hapag-Lloyd. Andre cruiseskipere inkluderer linjer som Celebrity Cruises, Cunard, PampO Australia, Princess, Royal Caribbean og Holland America Line. Cruiser flytter jevnlig Sydney, Melbourne og Brisbane mellom oktober og april. Velg linjer tilbyr også reiseruter i løpet av den kortere vinterkrydstiden, fra april til juli. Beste tiden å gå New Zealandrsquos klima generelt er generelt mild og noe foranderlig, så avhengig av dine nøyaktige reiseplaner, er det mulig å reise når som helst på året. Likevel har lufttemperaturen en tendens til å være på sitt varmeste mellom desember og februar, kaldeste i juni, juli og august og en tørrere i sør enn nord om vinteren. Så hvis du kjører utenfor sommertid, er det best å komme forberedt på kjøligere temperaturer. Høydepunkter Et land med variert landskap og rik kultur, New Zealand er syltetøy med ting å se og gjøre. Rotorua - som byr på boblende mudderbassenger, varmt vannkilder, skimrende innsjøer og frodige grønne skoger, tilbyr Rotorua en opplevelse som ingen annen Fiordlands nasjonalpark - den imponerende Fiordlands nasjonalpark - et UNESCOs verdensarvliste ndash awes og inspirerer med sin cascading fosser, granitttopper og gamle regnskoger. Eventyrpumper - New Zealand gleder seg til spenningssøkere med sin overflod av eventyrsporter, inkludert bungyhopping, jetbåt og rafting. Marae - ta en tur til a til tribalmøtet - en Marae - på steder som Auckland, Rotorua eller Canterbury regionen å observere noen lokale Maori-kulturer på nært hold. Vinprovning - hvis du er en vinafari, må du være sikker på å stoppe inn på noen prisbelønte vingårder i Queenstown og den omkringliggende Central Otago-regionen. CasinoOnline. co. nz - Best Online Casino Guide Bli en del av en familie med tusenvis, om ikke millioner, av kasino spillere alle med et felles mål ndash å spille det beste kasinoet o spill tilgjengelig og for å vinne det fra. Nyt det siste innen spillinnovasjoner med konstante fremskritt når det gjelder hastighet, lyder, grafikk og bonusfunksjoner når du går med en av våre beste New Zealand-kasinoer. En absolutt massiv samling av spill venter på deg når du registrerer deg, så vel som mange insentiver og flere grunner til å spille. Spillspill på våre pålitelige og anerkjente online kasinoer sikrer spillernes personvern, sikkerhet og muligheten til å nyte titler i toppklasse i både ekte penger og gratis spillmoduser. Lønnsomme muligheter er bare et klikk med musen bort. Velg for PC-basert spill eller gjør alt på telefonen eller nettbrettet. Nyt online og mobilt kasinospill i dag, og oppdag hvorfor flere og flere New Zealandere spiller online. Denne måneden Deal Våre anbefalte kasinoer Topp New Zealand Casinos Bli med millioner av fornøyde online kasino besøkende fra hele verden og oppdag toppmoderne teknologi, verdensklasse spill og store vinnermuligheter som alle venter på deg. Nonstop action og 247 trygt og sikkert spill er bare noen av funksjonene du vil nyte når du spiller online underholdning på nettet. 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Kjenne fakta: responsiblegambling. org gamblersanonymous. org Copyright 2017 CasinoOnline. co. nzNew Zealand New Zealand er et land med fantastisk og mangfoldig naturskjønnhet: hakkede fjell, rullende beite land, bratte fjorder, uberørte ørretfylte innsjøer, raser elver, naturskjønne strender og aktive vulkanske soner. Disse øyene er en av jordens mest merkelige bioregioner, bebodd av flygeløse fugler, sett ingen steder, for eksempel en nattlig papegøye kalt kakapo og kiwi. Kiwi er ikke bare et av de nasjonale symbolene, de andre er sølvfernbladet og koru, men også navnet New Zealanders kalles vanligvis seg. Disse øyene er tynt befolket. spesielt vekk fra Nordøya, men lett tilgjengelig. Det er glitrende moderne turistfasiliteter, og transportnettverk er godt utviklet med flyplasser over hele landet og godt vedlikeholdte motorveier. New Zealand legger ofte til et eventyr twist til naturen: det er det originale hjemmet for jet-båtliv gjennom grunne kløfter, og bungy hopper av alt høyt nok til å gi en spenning. Mori-kulturen fortsetter å spille en viktig rolle i hverdagen og regjerings - og bedriftssymbolikken med store muligheter for besøkende til å forstå og oppleve både historien og dagens former for Mori-livet. Forstå redigering New Zealand har blitt kalt Guds eget land og Paradiset i Stillehavet siden begynnelsen av 1800-tallet. New Zealand er noen ganger kjent, både i det innfødte Mori-språket og ved Pakeha, som Aotearoa. oversatt som den lange hvite skyen. Geografisk redigering Bestående av to hovedøyer - fantasifullt kalt Nordøy og Sørøya og mange mindre i Sør Stillehavet ligger denne øygruppen 1.600km (1.000160mi) sør øst for Australia. New Zealand er den femte største hele øya nasjonen på jorden, landarealet overgått bare av Australia, Indonesia, Japan og Phillipines NZs maritime eksklusive økonomiske sonen (EEZ) er femten ganger større, som kun overskrides av Australia i forrige liste. Følgelig og med en befolkning på nesten 4,5 millioner i et land som er større enn Storbritannia, er mange områder tynt avgjort. Pass på at du tillater nok tid til å reise i New Zealand. Avstandene er større enn du antagelig tror og mange veier vind langs kysten og gjennom fjellkjeder (spesielt på sørøya). Det er givende å tur i tre eller fire uker på hver av de største øyene, selv om du sikkert kan se noen av høydepunktene på langt mindre tid. Australierne ringer ofte NZ The Shaky Isles på grunn av hyppig seismisk aktivitet. Ligger på marginen av de to kolliderende tektoniske platene (Stillehavet og Indo-Australske), er jordskjelv vanlige, særlig i sør vest for Sørøya og på den sentrale Nordøya, og Nordøy-naturen er preget av flere aktive og sovende vulkanske kjegler. Den største innsjøen, Lake Taupo, drenert av NZs lengste elv, Waikato-elven, ligger i en kaldera som er opprettet av en super-vulkansk utbrudd som skjedde for ca 26 500 år siden. Vulkanen under anses å være sløv i stedet for utdødd. Opptak av mer enn 14 000 jordskjelv i året (med bare rundt 150 vanligvis følte) skolebarn utfører regelmessig jordskjelvsøvelser som i Japan. Auckland. med en befolkning på rundt 1,5 millioner mennesker, er den største byen i Polynesia. Faktisk mange små staselige nasjoner, som for eksempel Cookøyene. Niue og Tokelau. har mer av sin nasjonale befolkning som bor i Metro Auckland enn i deres hjem-øyer (NZ Government Statistics.) Dette gir noen interessante shoppingmuligheter og etniske spisemuligheter. Oppgjør og historie redigere New Zealand var den siste betydelige landmassen på jorden som ble avgjort av mennesker. Øst-Polyneserne nådde New Zealand for 700 år siden i en rekke store kanotruter for å starte oppgjør av hva som skulle bli New Zealand - rundt 46 000 år etter Australia. Befolkningen vokste raskt og førte til utryddelsen av mange unike arter av flygeløse fugler, inkludert alle 9 arter av Moa, hvorav noen vokste til ca. 3,6m (12160ft) i høyde med utstrakt utstrekning og veid rundt 230kg (510160lb) 160 Over tid deres kultur i disse kaldere landene divergerte inn i den unike Mori som kunstnerne av kaptein Cook registrerte. Den nederlandske utforskeren Abel Tasman, i 1642, var den første ikke-polynesiske til å se den nordvestlige kysten av Sørøya i New Zealand. (Det er et krav, bestrøkt av de fleste historikere, at en portugisisk ekspedisjon ledet av Cristovao de Mendona slo ham til det over hundre år før i 1521-1524). Tasman kalt sin finne Staten Landt (antatt at den var forbundet med Staten Island, Argentina sør for spissen av Sør-Amerika) og dette dukket opp på kart fra så tidlig som 1645. Hans to skip stoppet for å ta på seg ferskvann i Golden Bay. men ble angrepet av Mori og fire av hans menn og flere Mori ble drept der - noe som førte til at han nevnte Murderers Bay. Etter å ha forlatt Sørøya ved å seile opp på vestkysten av Nordøya, kartleggte han en liten del av kystlinjen nederlandske kartografer som omtalte denne kjente delen som Nova Zeelandia. Som en del av en dedikert reise av vitenskapelig funn, omtalte Yorkshireman James Cook, kaptein av Royal Navy, seg i Nord-, Sør - og Stewart-øyene i 1769 og kartlagt sine kyster. Noen få av europeisk og amerikansk opprinnelse, hovedsakelig seilere, hvalfangere, handelsmenn og misjonærer, bosatte sig i løpet av de neste 80 årene, og noen tok lokale koner. I 1840, med hjelp fra misjonærer, signerte Mori forskjellige versjoner av Waitangi-traktaten, og det har vært argumenter om betydningen av maori-versjonen siden da. Mer intensiv europeisk (Pkeh) oppgjør begynte samme år. Opprinnelig knyttet til kolonien New South Wales. New Zealand ble splittet for å danne en egen koloni i 1841. En rekke landkrig mellom 1843 og 1872, kombinert med politisk manøvrering og spredning av europeiske sykdommer, brøt Mori motstand mot Pkeh landoppgjør, men forlot varige klager. I de senere år har regjeringen forsøkt å håndtere langvarige Mori-klager, men dette er en komplisert og rancorøs prosess. I 2005 ble Mori-partiet dannet, delvis som et svar på regjeringens lov på Foreshore og Seabed, men også for å fremme et uavhengig Mori-perspektiv på politisk nivå. Da de seks britiske koloniene forbundet seg til Australia i 1901, besluttet New Zealand ikke å bli med i føderasjonen. I stedet ble den britiske kolonien i New Zealand et selvstyrende herskap i 1907. Den ble tilbudt fullstendig uavhengighet i henhold til statutten for Westminster fra 1931, selv om den ikke vedtok dette før 1947. Alle gjenværende konstitusjonelle forbindelser med Storbritannia ble kuttet med vedtak av New Zealand Constitution Act av begge parlamenter i 1986, selv om dronning Elizabeth II i rett til New Zealand er fortsatt statsoverhode (med en lokal guvernør-general (utnevnt etter lokal rådgivning) som sin representant i New Zealand. New Zealand støttet Storbritannia militært i bønderkrigen i 18991902, samt begge verdens kriger. Det deltok også i kriger i Malaya, Korea og Vietnam under ulike militære allianser, inkludert ANZUS-avtalen med Australia og USA. Mer informasjon om New Zealands militære historie kan bli funnet på National Army Museum. Ny Zeelands befolkning har sterkt motsatt testing og bruk av atomvåpen. Utsiktene til Nukleær væpnede amerikanske krigsskipbesøk mente at dets parlament vedtok anti-nukleær lovgivning i midten av 1980-tallet. Etter konsultasjoner med Australia, kunngjorde USA at den suspenderte sine traktatforpliktelser overfor New Zealand til USAs marinefartøy ble tatt opp til New Zealand-havner, og sa at New Zealand var en venn, men ikke alliert. Militære forhold ble ikke reparert før 2010. New Zealand er nå et sosialt initiativende, energisk og selvstendig land med en bredt reist og godt utdannet befolkning på over 4 millioner. Mer enn en million New Zealanders ble født utenlands. Av de andre 3 millioner innfødte kiwiene har en av fire (en av tre mellom 22 og 48 år) nylig forlatt Godzone for gunstige økonomiske muligheter i utlandet (ofte til Australia hvor kiwier unikt ikke trenger visum). Folk rediger Realm of New Zealand Denne tidligere britiske kolonien har en befolkning som hovedsakelig er av europeisk avstamning, men med en viktig innfødt mori minoritet, en raskt voksende asiatisk minoritet, og mindre minoriteter av polynesere, og folk fra Amerika og Afrika. Denne siden handler hovedsakelig om kjernen i New Zealand, se våre egne sider om andre deler av Realm of New Zealand. Cookøyene. Niue. Tokelau. Ross Dependency. Tidszoner rediger The Chatham Islands. 800km (500160mi) øst for Christchurch, hold Chatham Islands Standard Time (CIST) ved å legge tolv timer og førti minutter til Koordinert Universal Time (UTC) som resulterer i UTC12: 45. De viktigste øyene er 12 timer foran Greenwich Mean Time (UTC12 NZST New Zealand Standard Time) og 20 timer før Pacific Standard Time (PST). Sommertid (UTC13 NZDT New Zealand Daylight Time) starter den siste søndagen i september og slutter den første søndagen i april. Sport redigere Noen besøkende tror at nasjonal religionen i New Zealand er rugbyforening. Det all-erobrende landslaget, All Blacks. Spill vanligvis kamper hjemme i juni til september, hovedsakelig i Rugby Championship (tidligere Tri Nations) mot Sør-Afrika. Australia og Argentina. De to største rugbyforeningskonkurranseene er Super Rugby (en regional konkurranse som inkorporerer regionale lag fra Sør-Afrika og Australia) og den innenlandske ITM Cup (tidligere National Provincial Championship fra 1976 til 2005, og Air New Zealand Cup fra 2006 til 2009). Super Rugby sesongen starter i februar og slutter normalt i august (i Rugby World Cup år, sesongen slutter i juli) ITM Cup starter i juli og går gjennom til oktober. Andre populære idretter inkluderer fotball, rugby league og netball om vinteren, og cricket om sommeren. Klima rediger New Zealand har et temperert klima - vintrene er ganske kalde på sørsiden av Sørøya, men milde nord for Nordøya. Terrengets natur, de fremherskende vindene og lengden av landet fører til skarpe regionale kontraster. Maksimale dagtemperaturer overgår til og med 30176C (86176F) og faller bare under 0176C (32176F) i de forhøyede innlandet. Generelt sett er nedbør og fuktighet høyere i vest enn øst for landet på grunn av nordområdets orientering av fjellkjeden og de rådende westerlynorth vestvindene. Del som ligger i Roaring Forties, kan uhellete områder i landet bli litt breezy, spesielt i sentrum, gjennom Cook Strait og rundt Wellington. Vindene ser ut til å være sterkere rundt equinoxene. Om vinteren kan sydlige gale være alvorlige, men de bringer også snø til skifeltene og blir vanligvis fulgt av rolige klare dager. Temperaturer i (C) New Zealand er et av de vanskeligste landene i verden for å prognose været. Selv om været er foranderlig, er det sikkert mer solskinn og varme tempererte temperaturer å nyte om sommeren. Det er ikke uvanlig, spesielt på sørøya, å oppleve fire årstider på en dag. New Zealand er et lite land omgitt av havet. En komplisert, men ofte gunstig faktor på det daglige været, er det bratte fjellkjeden som går ned i ryggraden i New Zealand orientert i sørvest-nordøstlig retning. Disse fjellene ligger ofte østlige deler av landet fra et angrep av vestlig vind og regn. Været er for det meste påvirket av raskflyttende værsystemer i de sterke vestvindene, som ofte omtales som de brølende fyrtårene, som dominerer over sørlige deler av landet og havet mot sør. Det har en tendens til å være en syv-dagers syklus forbundet med disse westerliene som en kald front feier over landet forbundet med et par dager regn, et sted over hele landet. Ofte om disse westerliene er forstyrret av store høytrykkssystemer eller stormsystemer. I løpet av sommeren og tidlig høstmåneder fra desember til april har de vestlige landene en tendens til å bevege seg sør for å gi mer avgjort vær. Vær alltid forberedt på en endring skjønt. Også i løpet av denne tiden kan tilfeldige værsystemer fra tropene gjøre deres tilstedeværelse kjent, hovedsakelig over Nordøya, med en periode med varmt, vått, blåsende vær. I vinter, mai til august, har været en tendens til å være mer foranderlig. Kaldfronter bringer ofte en periode med regn til vestlige områder etterfulgt av en kald vind fra sør som bringer snø til fjellene og noen ganger til nær sjønivå over østlige deler av Sørøya. Når været blir kaldt og vått i øst, vest for fjellene, blir det fantastisk. På denne tiden av året er det ikke uvanlig for høytrykkssystemer og klar himmel å parkere over hele landet i lange perioder, og bringe skarpe, kølige netter og morgen etterfulgt av kule solrike dager. På våren, fra august til november, er de vestlige vindene vanligvis på deres sterkeste, de kalles equinoctial westerlies. Det har en tendens til å regne mer i vestlige områder, og særlig på sørøya, på dette tidspunktet, mens i øst kan varme tørrvind gi flott sykling. Nok en gang skjønt, en kald front og tilhørende sørvind kan gi deg en smak av vinteren på et hvilket som helst tidspunkt. Metservice har værmeldinger. Regioner redigere New Zealand er et svært variert land med mange forskjellige regioner som er vel verdt å se. Regioner, storbyer og andre destinasjoner i NZ-fjellene, innsjøer og isbreer redigere Det kan sies at i New Zealand er det landsbygda det er fantastisk, og kanskje ikke mer enn Sør-Alpens sydlige alper. I Mackenzie-landet i Canterbury. De snødekte toppene som stiger over turkise innsjøer har gitt inspirasjonen til mange postkort. Tucked in bak er landets høyeste topp, Aoraki Mount Cook. Innsjøene og fjellene fortsetter sydover, og blir et fantastisk bakteppe for byene Wanaka. Queenstown og Glenorchy. En annen region der fjellet møter vann med slående effekt, er Fiordlands nasjonalpark hvor bratt, tett skogkledde fjell stiger opp fra sjøen. Det mest tilgjengelige, og muligens vakreste stedet, er Milford Sound. Veien i er spektakulær og utsikten enda mer så når du ankommer. Isbreer er kanskje ikke det første som kommer til å tenke når du tenker på en øy i Sør-Stillehavet, men New Zealand har flere. Den mest bemerkelsesverdige er Fox og Franz Josef isbreer i Westland National Park. Disse isbreene er unike i hvor nært de kommer til havnivå og opprettholdes av den enorme mengden nedbør som faller på New Zealands vestkyst. Volcanoes and geysers edit New Zealand er et geologisk hotspot og har mange sovende og aktive vulkaner, geysirer og varme kilder. Det beste stedet å starte er Rotorua. hvor lukten av svovel lar deg vite deg nær handlingen. Det omkringliggende landskapet har mange parker med geysirer og varme kilder, og Mount Tarawera, stedet for en av New Zealands mer berømte utbrudd, ligger en kort kjøretur unna. Sør for Rotorua er Taupo og Lake Taupo, som ble dannet i en massiv vulkansk eksplosjon for tusenvis av år siden. Utover Lake Taupo er Tongariro National Park. dominert av sine tre vulkaner, Tongariro, Ngauruhoe og Ruapheu. Alle tre fjellene er fortsatt aktive (Ruapehu sist utbrudd i 2007) og Ruapehu har en kratersjø som kan ses med litt tur. Ngauruhoe er kjent for å fylle ut som Mt. Doom i ringenes ringenes trilogi. Nord for Rotorua er Whakatane. med turer til White Island. en vulkansk øy like utenfor kysten. Øya er virkelig en annen verden med sin røykplume, grønne kratersjøen og pohutukawa-trærne som knytter seg til en skjøre eksistens på vulkansk fjellet. Flora og fauna redigere Å være så fjernt, har New Zealand svært unike planter og dyr. En av de mest imponerende er kauri-treet, en av verdens største arter av tre. Få av disse gigantene er igjen (et resultat av overlogging), men et besøk på Waipoua Forest i Northland vil gi et glimt. Strendene på Sørøya, spesielt The Catlins og Otago Peninsula, er gode steder å se marine dyr som pingviner, sel og sjøløver i deres naturlige habitat. Otago-halvøya er også kjent for sin albatross-koloni. Dessverre er mange av New Zealands mest unike dyr truet og kan bare virkelig ses i fangenskap. Dette inkluderer kiwi. et felles nasjonalt symbol, den flightless takahe og tuataraen (en liten øgleformet reptil som antas å ha eksistert på tidspunktet for dinosaurene). New Zealands nasjonalparker vedlikeholdes av Department of Conservation (DOC) og ulike lokale myndigheter. Tilgang er vanligvis gratis, men kan være begrenset i noen parker i noen deler av året på grunn av vær (lavine risiko) eller oppdrett (lambing sesong). Det er best å sjekke med lokale turistinformasjonssenter for oppdatert informasjon om tilgang til parken. Forslag om å utrydde eller på annen måte tungt lede utenlandske dyr er tvilsomme problemer i New Zealand. De vanligste skadedyrsverktøyene er giftige agn. Disse blir levert via jord agn stasjoner eller, mer kostnadseffektivt (selv om kontroversielt), ved helikopter faller. Institutt for bevaring og OSPRITBfree NZ gir bekreftelsesoppsummeringer som inkluderer advarsler, kart over de berørte områdene, og hvilke giftstoffer som er brukt. Disse skadedyrsammendragene oppdateres jevnlig på deres nettsider. Bybillettredigering Mens landet er hovedattraksjonen til New Zealand, må du besøke noen få byer for å se sannheten om det. Auckland is a pleasant city with its waterfront districts like the Viaduct Harbour and Mission Bay, old volcanoes (Mt Eden and One Tree Hill), a handful of museums and the Sky Tower, the tallest free-standing building in the Southern Hemisphere. The more interesting architecture and the fine Te Papa museum can be found in Wellington. the nations capital. Napier is worth a stop for its Art Deco CBD, and Christchurch was interesting for its English character along the banks of the River Avon before the destruction wreaked by earthquakes. Nelson is the arts, crafts, pottery and craft brewing capital and has the only European style cathedral left standing (called Christ Church Cathedral) it doesnt hurt that Nelson has great beaches and is surrounded by three national parks. Itineraries edit Do edit add listing Snow capped mountain ranges in New Zealand as seen in Lord of the Rings Outdoor and adventure activities include: Abseiling Waitomo Aerial sightseeing (helicopter and fixed-wing) Birdwatching Black water rafting (cave rafting) Boat Tours Bungy Jump Queenstown, Auckland, Lake Taupo - the modern bungy jump was invented here by New Zealander A. J. Hackett. Canoeing and kayaking on rivers and lakes Canyoning Caving Waitomo, Nelson, South Island West Coast, Te Anau Climbing Diving Dolphin Watching Auckland Fishing - trout (some of the finest trout-fishing in the world), salmon, marlin, broadbill, sharks and many other salt-water species Fly by wire (invented here) Four-wheel driving Gliding - Omarama is one of the best places in the world for gliding Golf - New Zealand has over 400 registered golf courses, from local clubs to internationally renowned resorts, offering uncrowded golfing and superb scenery. Hang-gliding Heli-hiking at Fox Glacier Hiking - New Zealand has a number of national parks and other wilderness and forested areas, much of which is managed by the Department of Conservation. The activity known in other countries as hiking, trekking or bush walking is known as tramping in New Zealand and is a very popular activity for visitors and locals. Horse trekking Hot-air ballooning Hunting - several species of deer, wild pig (wild boar), tahr, chamois, goat, wallabies (they are protected in Australia but a pest here), game birds. Ice-climbing Jetskiing Kite surfing Lord of the Rings Tours that show the actual locations used in the filming. Luge (on concrete not ice) Auckland, Queenstown, Rotorua. Mountaineering - this was the training ground for Sir Edmund Hillary, one of the first two people to climb Mt Everest. Mountain biking Museums Nature tours ParaglidingParapenting Quad biking Rafting Rap jumping River jetboating - the Hamilton jet was invented by New Zealander William Hamilton. Rockclimbing Rugby - the national game. Major tournaments include the ITM Cup, featuring domestic teams Super Rugby, featuring regional teams from New Zealand, Australia and South Africa and The Rugby Championship, in which the national team, the All Blacks, plays the national teams of Australia, South Africa and Argentina. Sailing - New Zealand has produced many world-champion yachties and is the only country apart from the US to have won and successfully defended yachtings ultimate prize, the Americas Cup. Scuba diving and snorkelling, especially down to the sunken Rainbow Warrior at Matauri Bay, not far from Kerikeri . Sea kayaking Abel Tasman Marine Reserve Shark cage diving Kaikoura Skiing and snowboarding including heli-skiing Queenstown Skydiving Surfing Swimming with dolphins Kaikoura. Bay of Islands Swimming with seals Whale watching Auckland Whale watching Kaikoura White water rafting Fox Glacier White water sledging dam dropping Windsurfing Zoos Zorbing (invented here) Agrodome in Rotorua Talk edit English . Mori and New Zealand Sign Language are the official languages of New Zealand. English is universal and is officially written with Commonwealth (British) spelling. New Zealand English is one of the major varieties of English and is different enough from other forms to justify the publication of the Oxford New Zealand English dictionary. Word usage may also differ occasionally, in potentially embarrassing ways for the traveller. Several words that Americans may consider offensive, or have euphemisms for, are considered acceptable usage. For example: A New Zealand bathroom refers to a room containing a bath while the other facilities (containing a WC) that an American might refer to as a bathroom or washroom are known as a toilet or loo. The American habit of bleeping swear words from broadcasts is considered quaint and rarely done in local programming. The New Zealand broadcasting media are unusually tolerant of swear words when used in context. The New Zealand accent is somewhat nasalised with flattened vowel sounds and vowel shifting. New Zealanders consider their accent to be markedly different from the Australian one and are often offended when mistaken for or confused with Australians. New Zealand terminology and slang are also different from Australian usage. Americans find New Zealand accents easy to understand, so do Australians and Brits. Some European languages find it slightly harder and Asians may find it rather hard to understand New Zealanders are quite happy, however, to repeat what they just said if necessary. Mori is spoken by a minority of both Mori and language learners. Mori is available as a language to study in at many educational institutes. The Mori language is spoken by some, but by no means all, Mori plus a few non-Mori, especially in the far north and east of the North Island. Many place names are in Mori and for the traveller some knowledge of Mori pronunciation is could useful but is not essential as European and Mori pronunciations of the same place can be quite different. New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL) was given status in 2005 as an official language of the country. It has its roots in British Sign Language (BSL), and is also closely related to Auslan (Australian Sign Language). Users of BSL or Auslan may find NZSL intelligible, as they share a large portion of vocabulary, plus the same two-handed manual alphabet. On the other hand, users of languages in the French Sign Language family, which also includes American and Irish Sign Languages, will not be able to understand NZSL. The vocabulary is quite different, and languages in that family use a one-handed manual alphabet. Common expressions edit Generally, New Zealand English expressions follows British English. However, New Zealand English has also borrowed much from Mori and there are a number of other phrases that are not commonly encountered elsewhere or may confuse the visitor. Bach (pronounced batch) - Holiday home often by the beach and comprised of fairly basic accommodation. In the South Island often called a crib. Pot Luck - (see also Ladies a plate) means each attendant of the event should bring a plate of food to share with the other guests. BYO - Bring Your Own. An addition to the name of a restaurant that may not have a liquor licence means that it is okay to bring your own wine to enjoy with your food, but they often charge a small corkage fee. Claytons - (rarely used) Describing something as a Claytons means that the item lacks full functionality or is a poor imitation of the real thing. From the name of the unsuccessful non-alcoholic whisky that was briefly marketed during the late 1970searly 1980s under the catch phrase The drink youre having when you are not having a drink. Dairy - Convenience store corner shop, one few outsiders understand though heavily used by locals and find problems when travelling overseas and are surprised when asking where the dairy is. Entry by gold (or silver) coin (donation) - The admission charge to an event, exhibit, gallery or museum is by making a payment of a coin in the appropriate metal, often in the donation box at the door. The gold coins in NZ are the 1 and 2 coins, while silver are the 20c and 50c coins, and the 10c coin is copper. (See also Koha below). Half Pie - (rarely used) Usually a job or task not performed to satisfaction (cf Mori Pai good) Jandals - Flip-flops to most of the world. Kiwi - Almost universally used for a New Zealander named after an endangered flightless bird that lays the largest egg relative to body size and is one of the national emblems. This is not a derogatory term with many New Zealanders happily referring to themselves as Kiwis . However some will prefer the term New Zealander. Glidetime - Flexible working hours, often worked by public servants. Under this system, workers can start and finish work at hours of their choosing between 07:00 and 18:00, although they must work the core hours of 09.30-12:00 and 14:00-15.30 and average 40 hours per week. Also the name of a comedy play about such workers. Flexitime is the term more often used. Slang expressions edit If you dont understand, just ask and then most Kiwis will explain. Barbie - Short for barbecue Bro (pronounced more like bru) - Short for brother but used by males to address other males. Bush - Forest. Usually meaning a native forest as opposed to a plantation forest. chicks - girls. Choice - Cool, great. Chur - Thanks or Choice. Sometimes used as Chur Chur, which can also mean Christchurch. eh - sometimes used at the end of a statement to change it to a question, similar to Canadian usage. Gumboots - Wellington Boots or Rain Boots mint - in tip top condition. oi - hey. Can be meant as a warning or jokingly, originated in England. pash - french kiss. Sweet as - Cool, good thing, No problem. Often abbreviated to just sweet. Mori words and expressions edit Kia Ora - Hello, welcome, literally good health. Often used as an utterance of agreement, especially during speaking at a hui. Haere Mai - A greeting to a person arriving, while Haere Ra is a salutation to one leaving. Hui - A meeting or gathering to discuss and debate issues in traditional Mori fashion. Iwi - A Mori tribe or people, sometimes known as a Waka (canoe), as some iwi are named after the ocean going canoes that brought their ancestors to New Zealand. Koha - A Mori term for gifts or donations. Often an exchange of gifts takes place. (Sometimes the admission signs say, Entry Koha, meaning gold coin or what you feel like donating.) Kai - Food. Common with both Mori and non-Mori. Marae - A traditional Mori meeting or gathering place. Also a community centre. Pkeh - The Mori word for New Zealanders of non-Mori descent, generally thought to have arisen from a Mori story about spirit creatures called pakepakeha. Many New Zealanders do not refer to themselves as Pkeh with some finding it offensive, others however see the name as part of their unique identity. Powhiri - A Mori ceremonial welcome. Especially to a marae, but now also may take place at the start of a conference or similar large meeting in New Zealand. Whanau - A Mori (extended) family. Kinfolk. Used often in advertising to alliterate with friends such as friends and whanau. Wharenui - literally big house . is the meeting house on a marae. Wharekai - literally food house . is the dining room andor kitchen on a marae. Wharepaku - literally Small house - Toilet Buy edit add listing 20 New Zealand Dollars (NZD) Currency used in New Zealand is the New Zealand Dollar (NZD). Other currencies are not readily accepted other than at some of the larger hotels and at banks throughout New Zealand. Attempting to make a transaction in a foreign currency may result in some light hearted bemusement. The smallest coin is 10c, since New Zealand reduced the size of its silver (cent) coins in 2006, and eliminated the 5c piece. The 10c piece is a coppery colour similar to a U. S. or UK penny. The 20c piece is silver with a Mori carving depicted, as is the 50c piece with captain James Cooks ship the Endeavour. The gold 1 features a kiwi, whilst the 2 features a heron. Banknotes come in 5 (orange with Sir Edmund Hillary), 10 (blue with Kate Sheppard), 20 (green with Queen Elizabeth II), 50 (purple with Sir Apirana Ngata), and 100 (red with Lord Rutherford of Nelson). On Christmas Day, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, and before 1PM on Anzac Day (25 April), all but a few essential businesses must be closed. While many traders flout this regulation, the matter has for many years been being reviewed by the government. If you are in New Zealand on one of these days, ensure you have all your needs met prior to the date. Electronic bankingpurchasing edit New Zealanders are amongst the highest users of electronic banking services in the world. Automatic teller machines (ATMs), locally known as the hole in the wall, are available in just about every town, even those without a bank. Most shops have Eftpos (Electronic Funds Transfer at Point Of Sale) terminals for debit and credit cards, so most purchases can be made electronically. Credit cards, especially Diners Club and AMEX (due to the large fees they force on retailers), are not accepted by some merchants with Eftpos, especially smaller food retailers such as dairies, takeaways and cafes that do not serve alcohol. Also smaller retailers may often set a minimum purchase of around 10 when obtaining cash, if they agree to provide cash. Banks offer a wide range of telephone and Internet banking services. If you are going to be in New Zealand for a while it may be convenient to open a New Zealand bank account and set up a local debit card, to avoid carrying a lot of cash around. New Zealand is a user of the CHIP and PIN credit card system which uses an electronic chip in the card and the holders PIN number to allow a transaction to go through. Most merchants also accept the swipe and sign method which is mostly used by U. S. credit card holders as they have not yet adapted to the CHIP and PIN system. However, automated machines may not accept credit cards without a chip. Therefore, it is recommended that you have enough cash on hand to make purchase. These mainly appear in rural areas. If you are using a credit card with a magnetic strip (no chip embedded) at a staffed stand, then you shouldnt have problems using your credit card. After your card is swiped the terminal will prompt you for your PIN. Just press ENTER and your transaction should be approved. After signing the printed receipt, the clerk is required to check that your signature on your credit card matches that of a valid identification before heshe can complete the transaction. This is to minimize fraud. A driver license or passport, from your home country, will suffice. Note: New Zealand cards can be set to have up to 3 accounts loaded hence the terminal will prompt Cheque - Savings - Credit. Overseas cards will need to use the Credit option, regardless of card type. Note: The Discover credit card is accepted by a limited number of merchants in Auckland. It is not known whether Discover is accepted in other parts of New Zealand. Price negotiation edit Because of strong advertising laws, the displayed price is normally the purchase price for most goods sold in New Zealand. The principle The price stated is the price you pay is strongly ingrained in New Zealand culture. Most retailers will not negotiate on price, though some have a formal policy of matching the competition and will match or even discount their prices for you if you can find a better price for the exact same product elsewhere. However, this seems to be changing as there are stories about people finding appliance and electronics stores very willing to negotiate on price in order to get business, especially if youre looking at high-end items or have a shopping list of multiple high-priced items. Some places you have to ask for a discount, while others have salespeople that offer discounts on pricey goods as soon as they approach you. Other than high end appliance stores haggling is generally viewed as extremely rude. As a customer you are seen as wasting a shopkeepers time because it is assumed that they have priced the good at a reasonable price and as a shopkeeper you would be wasting the customers time if you overpriced the item expecting customers to haggle. If you are in New Zealand for an extended period of time, the website Trademe provides a similar business model to overseas giant Ebay. However Trademe has a greater focus on Direct Debit based trading and minimal to no fees required upon an items initial listing. Taxes and fees edit Unless otherwise explicitly stated, NZ prices include GST (Goods and Services Tax, or sales tax) of 15. Some shops, especially in tourist destinations, will ship purchases overseas, as exported goods are not subject to GST. Ask about this service before making your purchase. Goods purchased and taken with you will be subject to GST. Visitors to New Zealand must pay GST on all goods and services that they buy in New Zealand. There is no refund of GST available when you leave New Zealand. 16 On public holidays, some establishments such as cafes may charge a holiday surcharge in the region of 15, supposedly to cover the cost of employing staff who are working on the holiday. This is a recent development because current holiday legislation requires workers who work on public holidays to be paid at one-and-a-half times their normal wage and be given a equal time off in lieu as a minimum. The legality of this surcharge is questionable if not advertised openly or notified at the time of placing an order and might be challenged if youre feeling brave. This surcharge is already beginning to go out of fashion, as shops generally do a roaring trade on holidays and many consumers dont appreciate this development. Tipping edit In lodgings, restaurants, and bars the prices charged include the services provided and tips are not expected, though the practice is becoming more common, especially bars, cafes, and restaurants that cater for tourists. However, do not be surprised or offended if you receive bemused looks or if your tip is initially refused or questioned as tipping is still a relatively new phenomenon and it is also a form of courtesy in New Zealand culture to first decline such a gesture before accepting it. For some New Zealanders their unfamiliarity with tipping can make them ill-at-ease with it when travelling in countries where it is practised. It can be viewed very negatively by New Zealanders as being made to pay twice, or as a form of bribery. Staff in some establishments may risk their job in accepting a tip, although this is relatively uncommon. In the major cities, tipping tends to be embraced by workers, especially over the summer when students wait tables for part-time work. Tipjars may be placed on counters, but these are for loose change and although it is appreciated, you are not expected to place coins in them. It is common practice and polite to donate your spare change from the meal to what ever charity has a collection jar on the counter, and this acts as the standard substitute for tipping. Eat edit add listing New Zealand has a distinctive cafe culture, with arguably some of the best espresso on the planet. Cafes often have excellent food, serving anything from a muffin to a full meal. In smaller towns food is always available at the local pubhotelbistro, although the quality tends to be of the burger-and-chips variety. Fast foodconvenience food is fairly easy to come by. Petrol stations often sell pies that can be heated in-store. Fast food is available everywhere, most of the larger chains are represented. There are a number of local burger chains as well, Burger Wisconsin and Burger Fuel are both worth trying. Fish and chips are a local speciality. The fish is often extremely good quality, often supplied by local fishermen. The style is somewhat different to the English style: chips tend to be crisper, and vinegar is never used as a dressing. The menu consists of battered fish portions deep fried in oil together with chunky cut potato chips as well as a range of other meats, seafood, pineapple rings and even chocolate bar. A good meal can often be had for under 5, a bad one for the same price. Cuisine edit New Zealands cultural majority, mainly British, do not have a definitive and recognisably distinct cuisine that differs markedly from the traditional British cuisine. However there are a number of small differences Roast kumara - the sweet potato ( Ipomoea batatas ) roasted in the same manner as potatoes and often served instead of or alongside. May also be deep fried like potato chips and known as kumara chips - nice served with sour cream but rarely done well as kumara cooks at a different temperature than potatoes, so it needs a skilled chef for the dish to be done perfectly. Pavlova . or pav . a cake of whipped egg whites baked to have a crusty meringue-like outside but soft in the middle, topped with whipped cream and decorated with sliced fruit. The dessert is also common in Australia, there is debate between the two countries as to where it was first invented, but it is generally thought to be Australia. ANZAC biscuits - Plain hard biscuits made primarily from oatmeal bound with golden syrup. Originally made for and by ANZAC troops during the First World War. Also found in Australia. Pies - New Zealanders eat large numbers of flakey-pastry meat pies, available from dairys, supermarkets, petrol stations and bakeries. By far, most popular flavours include Steak amp Cheese (slow cooked beef with cheddar cheese), Mince amp Cheese ( or ground beef or North Americans) and contain things like chicken, lamb, pork, potato, kumara, vegetables, and cheese. Some companies now market ranges of gourmet pies and there is an annual competition for the best pie in a variety of catagories. Kiwifruit - A plum-sized green fleshed fruit, with fine black seeds in the flesh, originating from China, selectively bred in New Zealand, and first known to the home gardener as the Chinese Gooseberry . Now commercially farmed, with production centred on Te Puke but in many orcharding areas. Slices often served on pavlova. Known by its full name of kiwifruit and never shortened to kiwi in New Zealand, as kiwi are endangered birds or New Zealanders. Whitebait - The translucent sprat or fingerlings of native freshwater fish species that migrate from spawning in the sea each year. After being caught in coastal river mouth set or hand nets during NovemberDecember, this highly sought after delicacy is rushed to all ends of the country. Served in a fried pattie made from an egg based batter. May be seasonally available from a local fish and chip shop. Is served without gutting or deheading. Mori also have a distinctive cuisine: The hangi or earth oven is the traditional way that Mori cook food for large gatherings. Meat, vegetables and sometimes puddings are slowly steam-cooked for several hours in a covered pit that has previously been lined with stones and had a hot wood fire burn down in it. Kaimoana (literally: sea food ) - particularly shellfish gathered from inter-tidal rocks and beaches as well as crayfish (rock lobster) and inshore fish caught on a line or with nets. Species such as paua (blackfoot abalone) and toheroa have been overfished and gathering restrictions are strictly enforced, while green mussels are commercially grown and sold live, or processed, in supermarkets. WARNING While it is extremely common to see people collecting shellfish, crustaceans and other kaimoana . there are a number of rules to be aware of, eg: minimum sizes or daily catch limits, which are usually posted on signs at the approaches to the collecting area. These rules are strictly enforced. If in doubt, check with a local. Rules may be seasonal or all-year catch limits set by the Ministry of Fisheries, or they may be that certain areas are reserved solely for tangata whenua (local Mori iwi), or a combination. At times, areas may have a prohibition for health reasons. In addition to the above, New Zealand cuisine has taken a decidedly international turn over the past decade. Sushi is becoming increasingly popular (albeit in a somewhat different form to the Japanese original), as are many of the cuisines of the pacific rim. Drink edit add listing New Zealanders have a reputation for enjoying their beer. Although there are now only three major breweries, there are many regional brands, each with their own distinctive taste and staunch supporters. Take care when and where you indulge in public. New Zealand has recently introduced liquor ban areas--that means alcoholic drinks cannot be consumed or even carried in some streets, such as city centres and popular beaches, at certain times of the day or night. Police can instruct you to empty bottles and arrest you if you do not comply. The New Zealand wine industry has developed into a significant export industry. New Zealand is now known as one of the top producers of Sauvignon Blanc. The Hawkes Bay region is well known for its Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, Chardonnay and more recently Viognier varieties. Marlborough is the largest wine producing region and famous for its Sauvignon Blanc. Waipara in North Canterbury specialises in Riesling and Pinot Gris. Further south in Central Otago, Pinot Noir is produced in the most concentrated of styles. Many vineyards now offer winery tours, wine tasting and sales from the vineyard. The minimum legal purchase age for alcohol in New Zealand is 18, and can only be supplied to under-18s via a parent or legal guardian. It is universal policy for bars and retailers to ask for photo identification from any patron who looks under the age of 25, and the only forms of identification accepted are a valid New Zealand or overseas passport, a valid New Zealand driver licence, or a valid Hospitality Association of New Zealand (HANZ) 18 card. Coffee houses are a daytime venue in many of the larger cities and tourist destinations. The cafe culture is notable in the CBD of Wellington, where many office workers have their tea breaks. Most coffee styles, cappuccino, latte, espressoshort black, long black, flat white, vienna etc, are usually available. Flat whites are probably the most popular. Cappuccinos are usually served with a choice of cinnamon or chocolate powder sprinkled on top. Its usual to request which one you want. Fluffies are a small frothed milk for children, sprinkled with chocolate powder. Bottled water, both flavoured and unflavoured, is available in most shops. Not that there is anything wrong with the tap water, it is just that some town supplies are drawn from river water and chlorinated. Most town supplies are fluoridated. If you do not want to pour your money down the drain, fill your own water bottle from the tap, unless you find it is too heavily chlorinated for your taste. Tap water in New Zealand is regarded as some of the cleanest in the world it is safe to drink from in all cities, most come from artesian wells or freshwater reservoirs - however, some are from rivers which can be chlorinated to be made safe but do not taste very nice. Some of the water in Auckland comes from the Waikato river, a long river that has its source in Lake Taupo in the centre of the North Island. But by the time it reaches Auckland, it has been treated so that the quality is no worse than that of the Thames in London or the Hudson in New York. Auckland water is also drawn from run-off reservoirs in the Waitakere and Hunua Ranges. Tap water in places such as Christchurch and Hastings is not chlorinated at all as it is drawn from the pure artesian aquifers of the Canterbury and Heretaunga plains. L amp P or Lemon amp Paeroa is a sweet carbonated lemonade style drink said to be world famous in New Zealand. It is a sold in a brown plastic bottle with a yellow label similar to the traditional brown glass bottles it used to be sold in. Generally one for the kids or parties as it mixes quite well with whisky. It is now manufactured in Auckland by Coca-Cola. Sleep edit add listing New Zealand offers a wide range of accommodation. International quality hotels can be found in the major cities. New Zealand is also known for its luxury lodges . small professionally run, personally hosted, often architecturally designed lodgings with between 3 and 10 rooms only. With rooms priced between 300 and 800 per night (or more for the top of the market lodges), they offer excellent food and wine, superb comfort, the attention of your New Zealand hosts, assistance with travel and activities and terrific locations, whether a wilderness setting, quiet urban retreat, river, lake or beach side location. There are a network of at least 100 such accommodations around the country. Per capita, thats probably the highest in the world. They tend to be situated away from cities, though some are right in the heart of the major centres, and can be difficult to get to. At the very top-end, helicopter transfers and private jets help the luxury traveller move between the lodges theyve chosen for their visit. Motels of a variety of standards from luxury to just adequate can be found on the approaches to most towns. There is a wide range of backpackers accommodation around the country. BBHNZ or Budget Backpacker Hostels NZ is the largest network with more than 275 hostels throughout the country in 2014. Other hostels include a network of Youth Hostels that are members of the Youth Hostels Association (48 in 2014), and a network of Nomads Hostels . Bed and Breakfasts are popular with visiting Brits and Swiss as well as homestays . farmstays and similar lodgings - some of which are in the most unlikely places. For gay and lesbian travellers there are many Gaystay accommodations throughout New Zealand, in the form of BampBs, homestays, farmstays, lodges and clothing optional naturist retreats. A search of the words gaystay new zealand will bring up the appropriate information. For uniquely New Zealand accommodation, there are Mori homestays and tourist-catering marae stays. There are a number of commercial camping grounds around the country, as well as camping sites within all of the national parks. One way that many tourists travel around New Zealand is in a self-contained campervan . a motorised caravan or large minibus, that can be driven by anyone who holds an ordinary car drivers licence. If you are travelling into the backcountry on foot, the Department of Conservation has many backcountry huts that can be used under a permit system. Be aware that these may not be available in peak times (but you may still camp at a hut and use its facilities for a reduced rate). Free camping is also available in many places. Unless there is a no camping sign it is common to find a tent or hammock pitched for the night in many picnic areas or in a grove of trees off the road. Cycle tourists especially will rarely need to pay for camping, only for showers and laundry. Multi-day camping in these areas is often frowned upon, and in conservation areas camping outside designated areas may attract a fine. A map of over 1500 legitimate camping sites is the I Respect NZ Map 17. New Zealand was one of the first countries in the world after the UK to develop a dense WWOOF network. WWOOF is a world wide network where travellers (WWOOFers) stay as volunteers on farms and receive food and accommodation in exchange for half a days help for each night they stay. The Nelson Tasman region in the South Island is particularly rich in WWOOFing possibilities. HelpX. which is similar to WWOOF but is not restricted to just organics, originated and has its largest country network in New Zealand. Couchsurfing is popular in New Zealand with most major centres sporting active forums and groups as well as having hosts all around the nation. Learn edit For many years, New Zealand schools and universities have educated foreign students from the countries of Southeast Asia and education has now become a major source of export earnings for the country. In recent years English language schools have been established for students from the region, particularly South Korea and China. but also many other countries. Education in New Zealand is compulsory from age 6 to 16 years, though almost all children begin attending school at age 5 and often stay at school for 13 years, until 17 or 18 years old. Primary schooling is from Year 1-6 (formerly J1-Standard 4), intermediate schooling is Year 7 and 8 (formerly forms one and two), while secondary schooling is from Year 9-13 (formerly forms 3 to 7). In some primary and secondary schools one or both of the intermediate years may be combined with either the primary or secondary years. There are also Middle Schools which cover the intermediate years and the first two years of secondary, but these are rare. Secondary schools are also called high schools (generally Years 9-13) and colleges (generally Years 7-13). A college does not refer to universities in New Zealand unlike in some other countries, though some specialised single-subject tertiary training-centres may also be called colleges . Primary, intermediate and secondary compulsory schooling is free for citizens and permanent residents, although some nominal fees are generally charged to cover consumable materials. Tertiary education is state assisted, with part of the tuition costs funded by the state. International students will need to pay for their education in some cases this includes a national profit margin. The Ministry of Education has established a Code of Practice that New Zealand educational institutions enrolling international students need to abide by. This Code of Practice includes minimum standards for the PC pastoral care of international students. Primary school students, or those age 10 or under, need to either live with a parent or else board in a school hostel. Additionally, older students, who are under age 18, may live in homestays, temporary accommodation or with designated caregivers. Where the institution arranges accommodation for students older than age 18 the code of practice applies to their accommodation situations also. New Zealand citizens, permanent residents and refugees can receive financial assistance through loans and allowances, to pay the tuition fees and to attend tertiary education at Universities . Polytechnics . Whananga ( Mori operated universitiespolytechnics) and Private Training Providers . Overseas students will need to pay the full tuition fees and their own living costs while studying at a New Zealand institution. Overseas students need to have a student visa and a reasonable level of cash to spend in order to undertake a course of study at a New Zealand based educational institution. Visas are generally valid for the duration of the course of study and only while the student is attending the course of study. New Zealand educational institutions will inform the appropriate immigration authorities if a student ceases to attend their enrolled courses, who may then suspend or cancel that students visa. Educational institutions often also exchange this enrollment and attendance data electronically with other government agencies responsible for providing student assistance. Work edit To work in New Zealand you need to be a citizen or current permanent resident of either New Zealand or Australia, or else have a work permit or appropriate visa. If you are intending to work in New Zealand you should obtain a work permit along with any tourist visas you might apply for. You will also need to have a New Zealand bank account . as the vast majority of employers pay using electronic banking rather than in cash an Inland Revenue Tax Number . as witholding tax or income tax will be deducted from your wages by your employer and a tax declaration form . as tax will be deducted at the no declaration rate of 45 unless you have a tax code. More information about New Zealands tax system, including appropriate forms, can be obtained from Inland Revenue 18. The process of applying for an IRD number is between 8-10 working days. You will need to fill in the IRD number application form, and provide a photocopy of a passport or New Zealand birth certificate. It is possible to apply for the IRD number, then call the department around a week later to request the number by phone, however this will depend on the workload of the processing centres at the time. Calling the IRD requires several forms of ID, it is ideal to be able to provide your passport number and full address when requested. New Zealand operates a simplified tax system that tends to collect more tax than people need to pay because employers pay their workers tax when they pay their workers. The obligation is then on the worker to claim overpaid tax back, rather than declaring their income and paying any extra tax. Be careful though, if you choose to work in New Zealand and you stay more than 183 days in any 12-month period, your worldwide income could be taxed. New Zealand has double taxation agreements with several countries to stop tax being paid twice. A safe rule of thumb is to pay all tax demands and not seek claims for redress on any matter. Being a foreigner means that your New Zealand income is subject to local income tax at the fullest levels. Although many people believe that they can collect all their tax back when they leave the country, this is not true. It may be the case that filing an income tax return may result in a small refund if working for only part of the year however, this is not likely the case. Tax in all its forms in New Zealand amounts to around half of a workers income. Short term edit Seasonal work in fruit picking and agriculture is sometimes available for tourists such as backpackers. More information about seasonal fruit picking work can be found at Pick NZ 19. New Zealand has a number of reciprocal Working Holiday Schemes, which allow people between 18 and 30 to travel and work in New Zealand for up to one year and vice versa. At present young citizens of a number of countries from Europe, South America, North America and Asia can apply. These schemes are enormously popular and in many instances participants can apply to stay in New Zealand longer once they have completed their one year stay. Information on all the various schemes and application details can be found at: 20 Long term edit If you want to stay in New Zealand long term, you should apply well ahead of time. New Zealand operates a points system for assessing applicants. Refugee applications should be made before arrival since NZ has a formal refugee induction programme. Those who turn up in a New Zealand airport arrival lounge without papers, claiming refugee status, may find themselves put on a return flight to their country of origin or in jail awaiting the outcome of legal proceedings. For those considering long term stay in Christchurch the Canterbury Development Corporation has helpful information on living and working in Christchurch. Stay safe edit The emergency telephone number in New Zealand is 111 . Ambulance, Fire, Police, Coastguard and Marine and Mountain Rescue can all be rapidly contacted via this one, FREE . emergencies only number. This number (or 112 or 911) also works from mobiles - even when there is no credit available and even if no SIM card is present at all 555 can also be called for non-emergency traffic incidents from mobiles. Full instructions are on the inside front cover of every telephone book. 0800161610 - Deaf emergency fax (connects to police) 0800161616 - Deaf emergency textphoneTTY (connects to police) 0800764766 - Poisons and hazardous chemicals emergency 0800611116 - medical advice (Healthline, run by the Ministry of Health) 0800808400 - railway emergencies (KiwiRail Network) Crime and security edit The level of crime in New Zealand is similar to other western countries. Dishonesty offences, such as theft, are by far the most frequent type of crime. Travellers should take simple, sensible precautions such as putting valuables away out of sight or in a secure place and locking doors of vehicles, even in remote locations, as much of this crime is opportunistic in nature. Violent crime in public places is generally associated with alcohol or illicit drug consumption. Rowdy bars or drunken crowds in city centres, or groups of youths in the suburbs, are best avoided, especially late at night and in the early morning. New Zealand has one of the lowest recorded rates of gun crime in the world. There are occasional disturbing high profile media reports of tourists being targeted in random violent robberies andor sexual crimes. These crimes tend to happen in more isolated places, where the chances of the offender being observed by other people are low. The chance of falling victim to such misfortune is still low. Although crime statistics reflect an increase in violent crime, the increase is entirely explained by increased detection of family violence, a key focus area for Police. Tourists are unlikely to be affected, as such crimes usually take place in New Zealanders own homes. The New Zealand Police . a national body, are generally polite and helpful. They regularly conduct drink-drive blitzes, often setting up screening checkpoints all around an area, including all lanes of motorways. Being caught drinking and driving will result in being invited to accompany the officer to a police station, or a roadside Booze Bus for an evidential breath test, blood test, or both. Being found with excess breath alcohol, or refusal to undertake testing will result in an arrest, appearance in Court, with a possibility of time in prison, as well as a hefty fine and disqualification from driving. Fixed and mobile speed cameras as well as hand held and car speed detectors are used frequently. The police do not routinely bear guns. Although all police officers are trained to handle firearms, these are normally openly carried only when the situation requires such weapons, such as an armed offender. Usually, the police carry only batons, offender control pepper spray and tasers. However, first response patrols generally have recourse to firearms locked in their vehicle. Natural hazards edit Severe weather is by far the most common natural hazard encountered in New Zealand. Although New Zealand is not subject to the direct hit of tropical cyclones, stormy weather systems, from both the tropics and the polar regions, can sweep across New Zealand at various times of the year. There is generally a seven to ten day cycle of a few days of wet or stormy weather followed by calmer and drier days as weather systems move across the country. The phrase four seasons in one day is a good description of New Zealand weather, which has a reputation for both changeability and unpredictability. The phrase is also a popular Kiwi song. Weather forecasts are generally reliable for overall trends and severe weather warnings should be heeded when broadcast. However both the timing and intensity of any weather events should be assessed from your own location. You should always seek advice from the Department of Conservation when trekking in alpine areas. There are annual fatalities of both foreign nationals and New Zealanders caught unaware by the weather. There are other natural hazards you may encounter, though far more rarely: Strong earthquakes - New Zealand, being part of the Pacific Ring of Fire, sits astride a tectonic plate boundary and experiences large numbers (about 14,000year) of small earthquakes every year, a few (about 200year) are noticeable and the occasional one causes damage and sometimes loss of life. The last big one causing serious loss of life was on 22 February 2011 10 km south east of Christchurch. It was a 6.3 magnitude with the depth a only 5 km, the death toll was 185. The latest quake news is reported by GeoNet 21 . Volcanic eruptions - New Zealand has a number of volcanoes that are classified as active or dormant. Volcanic activity is monitored by GeoNet. There are almost no poisonous or substantially dangerous animals. The katipo and redback are the only two venomous spiders and bites from both species are extremely rare. Serious reactions are uncommon and unlikely to develop in less than three hours, though you should always seek help at your nearest hospital, medical centre, or doctor. The white-tailed spider can also deliver painful bites but is not considered dangerous to humans. No large mammalian predators are present and no large predatory reptiles. Certain species of Weta (an insect, that looks a bit like a huge grasshopper or cricket) can deliver a painful but harmless bite. Stay healthy edit New Zealand has a very high level of ultraviolet radiation and skin cancer, around 40 more intense than you will find in the Mediterranean during the summer. Sunglasses and sunscreen are highly recommended, especially if you are of Celtic descent. Visiting the doctor will cost about 60 and may vary between practices and localities. The New Zealand public hospital system is free of charge to Australian, British and New Zealand citizens but will charge other nationals for treatment received. An exception to this is in the case of any accident when the Accident Compensation Commission (ACC) will pick up the tab. Travel insurance is highly recommended. New Zealand has high and equitable standards of professional health care comparable with Sweden or Australia. Tap water is drinkable but precautions should be taken against Giardia when tramping. Respect edit Social behaviour edit New Zealanders are courteous in general, although relatively distant, thus are not easily offended. However, if you get the chance to get to know some of them better, a whole new set of complicated social rules comes into play. In general they are a very warm, sociable and forgiving people. However, many New Zealanders (especially those who have not lived in foreign countries for an extended period of time) are unaware of the peculiarities of their culture. Keep these generalisations in mind: Be polite. Always say please and thank you. For example, at a cafe, if you wanted a second fork, it would be considered perfectly ordinary to say to a staff member, Excuse me, sorry, could I please have another fork Thank you. It is polite to offer to help out, for example with washing the dishes after a meal. Your initial offer will likely be be denied, at which point you should immediately ask Are you sure. Offering once and then failing to ask Are you sure is considered cheeky at best, rude at worst. The reverse is true: if something is offered to you, the person offering does not necessarily want you to take it. If staying for more than a few days at someones house, if they are younger than 30-35 it is considered polite to leave a token amount of money, say 20, to cover the power bill, especially if you are the guest at a shared flatapartmenthouse. Speech is often understated. Its all right often means it is the best thing ever, depending on the tone of voice. It was average generally means it was poor. He was a bit rude often means he was extremely rude. New Zealand society is understood by New Zealanders to be classless and egalitarian this is mostly true, and largely functions by avoiding having discussions about money or by showing wealth. New Zealanders, even wealthy New Zealanders, tend to behave in a somewhat frugal manner. Dont talk about or show off your money, property, rent or income. Same-sex marriage became permitted by law on 19 Aug 2013. Mori culture edit Mori cultural experiences are popular tourist attractions, and are enjoyed by many people. However, as with any two cultures encountering one another, there is room for misunderstanding. Some tourists have found themselves more confronted than they expected by ceremonial challenges and welcomes. These are serious occasions. Avoid chatter and laughter until it is clear that you are welcome to do so. There is plenty of time to relax later in the proceedings, for example when the hangi (food) is lifted from the ground. Contact edit Internet edit Internet access is expensive and metered. Its available in cyber cafes and there are many of these in the major cities but avoid cyber cafes without using a trusted and reliable Anti-virus application. Hourly rates are usually in the range of 4-8, with cheaper rates of around 2-4 at cyber cafes within the main city centres. Many public libraries have public Internet access. There may be a charge - although that is changing. The Auckland City Public Library 1gb a day at no charge. Some providers, such as the Christchurch City Library network, offer free access only to some sites such as Google, the BBC and Al Jazeera and those in the. nz top level domain. Nelson Library 22 has unlimited free Wi-Fi and 23 free terminals. The Aotearoa Peoples Network (APN) has been working to bring Internet access (both wired and Wi-Fi) to all libraries and these connected libraries are good places to check your e-mail and do some research. Vouchers for Wi-Fi access can be bought from many Starbucks cafes, and many McDonalds have free Wifi for paying customers. It is becoming more common for Wi-Fi to be provided at hotels and motels using vouchers, but it is seldom free as part of your room rate. Wireless Hotspots are located in many cities and towns all over New Zealand from dedicated Wireless providers from whom you can buy connect time. Many camping holiday parks also have such services available. Both the airport and CBD in Wellington have free Wi-Fi but the airports at Christchurch and Auckland both charge a fee for wireless service in their terminals. Telephone edit New Zealand has a well developed and ubiquitous telephone system. The countrys main phone company, Spark (previously Telecom), claims (as of 2009) to have about 4000 payphones in NZ which can be easily identified by their yellow and blue colours. All of them accept major credit cards and a variety of phonecards available from retailers. You may have to look hard for a payphone that accepts coins. Free Wi-Fi also. The country code is 64 . New Zealand telephone numbers can be looked up online . The emergency telephone number from all telephones is 111 (you may need to use a prefix, usually 1 . to get an outside line from business systems). An emergency services call is normally answered with a voice request to choose Police, Fire or Ambulance respond as appropriate and you will then be switched to the requested service. (Other common international emergency numbers like 112, 911 and 999 may also work, but dont rely on it.) Mobile telephone coverage is effectively only national near urban areas. The mountainous terrain means that, outside these urban areas, and especially away from the main highway system, coverage has huge dead patches. Do not rely on mobile phones in hilly or mountainous terrain - especially in the South Island. Mobile telephone users can call 555 only to report Non-emergency traffic safety incidents, such as a breakdown, road hazard or non-injury car crash, to the Police. Carriers edit There are currently three major mobile carriers in New Zealand, with some sub-brands. Spark operates a 4G and 3G (UMTS) network, nationwide on 850MHz with supplementary 2100MHz in metropolitan areas (the same frequencies as Telstra in Australia and ATampT in the US). Vodafone NZ operates a 4G LTE network on 700MHz, 1800MHZ and 2600MHz frequencies with wide coverage in over 54 centres, a nationwide 3G (UMTS) network on 900MHz with supplementary 2100MHz coverage, and a GSM network on 900MHz2100MHz. Vodafone sell a visitor SIM package for travelers. 2degrees operates a 4G LTE (1800MHz and 700MHz in cetral Auckland) and UMTS (3G) network (2100MHz) in most towns with a population of over 1000, with supplementary GSM coverage provided elsewhere by Vodafone. Skinny Direct In 2016 Skinny Mobile (a no frills provider - wholly owned by Spark) introduced Skinny Direct. Skinny Direct is an online mobile platform offering relatively large data packages, NZ minutes and text in New Zealand, at relatively low prices. Airports and shopping malls will have stores from Spark and Vodafone available for purchasing access and getting information about their networks. Prepay SIM card packs from Spark, Vodafone or 2degrees cost between 5-30, some come with pre-loaded credit. Postal mail edit The national post office is New Zealand Post 23. If you are staying in one place for a while, you can rent a PO Box from them. NZ Post also offer overnight and same day courier services across New Zealand. 24 New Zealand Post ( Poste Restante ), Is available at Post offices across the country. This is an inexpensive service for receiving letters and parcels while you are visiting New Zealand from overseas. 160edit New Zealand Post ( Counter delivery ), Is available nationally at local PostShop and some PostCentre outlets. Use the Counter delivery service if you need a short term mailing address of up to three months. 160edit Postcards cost 50c to send within New Zealand (2-3 days) and 1.90 to send internationally (3-10 days). Letters up to DL size (130mm215235mm) cost the same as postcards within New Zealand and to Australia and the South Pacific, with letters to other destinations costing 1.90 for economy service (10-25 days), and 2.30 for standard service (6-10 days). Media edit TV edit Free-to-air digital television has been rolled out and three of the channels are available in HD. Cable television is not well developed, but direct broadcast satellite technology is available across the nation, with both free-to-air (Freeview Satellite ) and pay television (through the Sky network). One reason often advanced for the continued health, vigour and sheer variety of hobbyist clubs and sport throughout NZ is the mind-numbing banality of most of the Freeview programming. Visitors from Australia and Britain are perplexed by the almost complete lack of documentaries and current affairs programmes and locally produced drama. Even the All Blacks games are not available as they are being played without a seriously expensive Sky subscription. Two exceptions to the low-brow line-up are the Al Jazeera English channel broadcasting news and documentaries and available 24h and Mori Television which often shows non-US films with subtitles at weekends All hotels and motels will have either Freeview or some Sky channels. Teletext no longer provides an information service, but page 801 provides a caption text service for some TV programs which allows hearing impaired people to read subtitles. Radio edit New Zealand has a large number of radio stations, on both AM and FM, with at least one local station and a number of nationwide network stations broadcast in each major city or town. National Radio is a government funded, non-commercial, spoken features style national network with some music. It broadcasts news and detailed weather forecasts, generally hourly, with detailed mountain and marine forecasts a couple of times a day on both AM and FM (around 101MHz FM). Operated by Radio New Zealand . Concert is a government funded, non-commercial, classical music national network. There are a number of FM visitor information stations around the country. This country guide is an outline and needs more content. It has a template. but there may not be enough information present. If there are Cities and Other destinations listed, they may not all be at usable status or there may not be a valid regional structure and a Get in section describing all of the typical ways to get here. Please plunge forward and help it grow

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